Everything and Anything

What to do? Where to go?

I have a week off on the week of the sixth. I am currently at a loss at what I should do. If I stick around the house for a week, sleeping patterns are bound to become mental and days and nights will merge and become a single blur I shall Christen either Dight or Nay.

So, I’ll need summat to do. If the weather keeps up like it has for the past three days, then I may want to go camping somewhere. Somewhere further away than I’ve ever been. I’d probably go alone, as there’s nobody I know who’d alsobeup for a pointless camping journey. I’m currently thinking either Scotland or Cornwall.

Everything and Anything

An update

I have finally updated the WordPress software here, which means that the nasty error I was recieving with the tables has gone away. It also allows me to write on WordPress through the iphone, as I am now doing. Pretty nifty, seeing as 3G coverage in my town is excellent.

I still haven’t had my cars offending parts from the recall replaced, as I be lazy. I recently celebrated my birthday in town with workmates, and remember little. I’ve also been driving further than I used to. Last week it was randomly Cardiff. I wonder where to next? The UK is my oyster!

Just a quick test of the built in camera function of the WordPress application. Also pretty nifty.